Mikkel Weinreich Olsen

This website is still under contruction



Hi my name is Mikkel Weinreich Olsen, I'm 22 years old, and I'm studying a Bachelor of Engineering in Software Technologies in Odense, Denmark where I've lived since the summer of 2021.

I started coding in Arduino during my stay at Sorø Gymnastikefterskole, and have been hooked ever since. Since then I've developed code for both microcontrollers (Arduino) and server-side applications using Java with Spring Boot. In addition to that, I also have experience with frontend development using ReactJS.

As mentioned earlier, I went to Sorø Gymnastikefterskole, which is a specialized gymnasium within gymnastics. I've done gymnastics for about 10 years, but have retired! Now I'm currently taking a scuba diving license, since that has been on my bucket list for years! I've also taken an interest in swimming and working out.

My Career


  • Bacholor of Engineering in Software Technologies

    Southern University of Denmark Odense

    Expected graduation in summer of 2025

  • Robottechnologi

    ZBC Slagelse Higher Technical Gymnasium

    Graduated in summer of 2021

  • Boarding school

    Sorø Gymnastikefterskole

    Finished in summer of 2018

  • Primary school education


    Finished in summer of 2017

Work Experience

  • Novo Nordisk

    2024 → now


  • Bilka Odense

    2021 → 2025

    Seller in their delicacy

  • Roberts Crew

    2024 → 2024

    Independent Contractor

  • DinCamp

    Teacher in Unity

    Week 28 2024

    Teacher in Unity

    Week 27 2024

    Gymnastics Instructor

    Week 31 2023

    Teacher in GameMaker

    Week 27 2023

  • Netto Gørlev

    2018 → 2021

    1. Assistant

    Youth Worker

  • Høng Gymnastik Forening

    2018 → 2021


  • Mejnerts Landbrug

    2016 → 2018

    Youth Worker

  • Hvidebæk Idræts Forening

    2013 → 2017



Since i'm almost done with my bacholors degree in software technologies, I got alot of tools available here are some of the tools from my expanding toolbox

Object Oriented Programming

I've been primarily developing in Java, with experince in eg. developing algoritmes and apis. I also have some experince in languages such as C++ and C#.

Database Management

When developing programs that relies on data, so storing that is important. And by using languages both SQL and NoSQL storing that data is easy!

Fronted Development

For a GUI it's important that it looks beautiful, and I've found that developing GUIs in periods, stimulates the creative part of my brain.

Version Control

One of the tools I learned to use since day one of programming in Gymnasium were a Git GUI, and is to this day my primary use for verison control.

Containerized Services

Docker is a great tool for running software in it's own bubble, used for automation and virtualisation.

Containerized Orchestration

Kubernetes is a tool used to automate software implementation, scaling and adminstation.

Mobile Development

In terms of mobile development, i've learned wireframes, low-fi, high-fi and other tools for developing an mobile application

Api Development

Since Apis are very important for communication between different software, I've taught myself developing apis in Java Spring.


When learning about DevOps, i discovered that it is much more than increasing productivity, it's also about workculture and how to improve it.

My Projects

Comming soon

In the meantime take a look at my github repositories:


Lets talk!

Contact me via phone or email and lets have a talk!